by Mark Kelly - VCE Applied Computing, VCE Data Analytics, VCE Software Development

VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education)
VCE Applied Computing, VCE Data Analytics, VCE Software Development

Contact me with a form
or email me at
email me

Due to general lack of interest, this site will die on 16 November 2024
If you would like to buy the domain name, please get in touch.


The exam fun starts in

Data Analytics - Tuesday 12 November at 2pm

Software Development is 3 days later at Friday 15 November 3pm

VCAA exam timetable 2024


Applied Computing units 1 and 2 (AC)

Applied Computing / Data Analytics units 3 and 4 (DA)

Applied Computing / Software Development units 3 and 4 (SD)



My Exam Tips

SATs (outcome tasks) and software needed

VCAA Glossary

Old exam post mortems. They're not recent, but their logic often applies to new exams.

Sections A and B exam tips, based on the 2020 DA Sample Exam



Go back where you were

All original content copyright © Mark Kelly
Thanks to the VCAA for permission to use material from their study design and examinations
BTW - I used to own the vce it dot com domain but no longer have any connection to it, or endorse its contents.

This page was created on 15 January 2022
Last modified on Sunday 21 July, 2024 16:44

This site is days old, give or take 20 years.